There are a lot of women who find leaving their underwear in their drawer cooler, more comfortable, and less restrictive. And there are some good things to say about this practice, provided you follow these five important tips (we prefer to call them rules).
1. When You Skip Underwear, Consider Breathable Fashion
Lady bits need to stay dry, and natural cotton and linen breathe well and will keep your nether regions as dry and healthy as they can. Stay away from wool and denim if you are going sans underwear, as they tend to keep the air out and moisture in. This creates a breeding ground for bacteria and other nasties.
But why is it better to have underwear when you are planning to wear denim anyway? Doesn’t that block airflow even worse? No, because underwear (provided it is cotton or wicking) absorbs excess moisture and helps keep it away from your skin, thus slowing the build-up of those previously mentioned nasties.
2. Soft and Natural Fabrics
Denim and wool can be a double whammy on your skin because their rough scratchy nature can also cause be very irritating. How can a little irritation be all that bad? Well, it weakens the protective skin layer and opens it to a greater chance of infection.
Synthetic fabrics and dyes can cause that same irritation. This is why it is essential that you cradle yourself with natural fabrics and organic dyes if you are planning to be without your underwear for a good portion of the day (or night).

3. Exercise Requires a Barrier
That nonrestrictive feel of being without underwear may feel good on the road during a jog, or in the gym on a bike – but all that direct friction can cause problems even if you are wearing naturally breathable fabrics. As it turns out, a layer of underwear is a welcome protective barrier from both friction and excess moisture during most any physical activity.
Once the workout is over, then yes, your underwear can come back off. And we do highly recommend that you at least change out to a fresh pair (I know, we’re beginning to sound like mom).
4. Less Underwear, More Shower
Provided that you launder your underwear correctly and often, underwear acts as a band-aid – keeping friction at bay, moisture down, and bacteria away. When you skip wearing underwear, you lose that protective shield (so to speak).
Not to worry, because the next best line of defense is to shower regularly. Showering ensures that you are expelling any foreign debris and bacteria that can collect throughout the day. This minimizes your chance of developing unpleasantries like bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections (yuck).
5. Plan those Days, Strategically
Underwear allows you the greatest freedom in your fashion because of its natural shielding ability. In other words, when you do decide to leave them in the drawer, you should consider those days strategically.
Some business attire is not breathable, and some days are just going to be full of stress, blood, sweat, and tears, so you might as well double up for the sake of good hygiene. Yeah, we know this may put a damper on your idea of living ‘free’, but once you get a hang of these rules and the needs of your own body, it will all come as second nature.